Thursday, June 14, 2012

June 14 2012, Week 2

In the box this week:
-Bac Choy
-Swiss Chard
-Garlic Scapes
-Garden Peas

Two additions of note this week are the carrots and the peas. I have taken the liberty of removing the tops from the carrots. You will often see them in markets with the tops on and that is perfectly ok. But it's important to remove them when you get home because the plant will actually suck moisture and nutrients from the root, the part we like, to keep the greenery, the part the plant likes, alive. The same is true for radish and parsnip.

The peas are perfect and very sweet, but don't forget that these are garden peas, not pea pods or snap peas,  so the pod is fibrous and the pea within is the part we are meant to eat. The are delicious in salad, pasta, or just on their own. My son loves to shell them with me and just eat them, and I'm guessing that's true for most kids.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

June 7 - 1st distribution

Greetings to all. It was so awesome to get back to CSA distribution - seeing and speaking with the families partnering with me this year was great. As shown on the card included with your produce there was a nice variety of early summer produce and I look forward to being able to increase the volume as the season progresses. 
In your box this week:
-Salad Mix
-perennial onion 
-garlic scapes (flower stalks)

For some of you, this might be your first introduction to the lovely garlic scape. It is the odorous bulbs flower stalk and mush be removed in order for the bulb to attain a generous size later in the year. But to many Europeans and North Americans, more recently, these are a delicious addition to anything that benefits from a light touch of garlic. I love it on pizza, in pasta or salad, or with eggs.

The cherries are obviously my pride and joy, as clearly indicated by my happy crowing on Facebook for the last couple weeks as I eagerly awaited their peak ripeness. A fine mesh net kept away the worst of the birds and squirrels and I was able to bribe the neighbor kids by promising them each a few - mostly anyway.

Blue skies...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Here they are! I am so excited to be able to offer these to my CSA families and we will likely have some left over for our very first West Side Farmer's Market. Our first CSA boxes will be ready Thursday afternoon and things are shaping up to be a great season. More updates to come this week and some great recipes on deck.